Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sharing image files on a network using Adobe Bridge

I believe that using Bridge to share image files on a network is possible. In fact, we're just about ready to golive with our image library on a network -- using Bridge as the browser.

Here's what I've discovered over the past several weeks of testing:

Trying to share a centralized cache is quite out of the question. But, as it turns out, it appears that one share cache files across multiple computers; providing these are Macs using CS4 of course. This is not the best alternative but short of going with a cataloging system -- not always an choice for some organizations -- this is perhaps the only option available.

2. I indexed our image library on my laptop, which took the better part of a day. Organizationally it consists of 56 folders, containing some 104,000 images for more than 434 gigabytes of space.

3. I then copied the cache (and all files) to an external hard drive.
What I copied was on the following path: user>library>caches>Adobe?Bridge CS4>Cache

4. I then went to a second computer -- networked to connect to the central image library drive -- and before launching Bridge I deleted the old cache file, and then copied the new cache file to the second computer. I then launched Bridge, navigated to the image library in the folders panel, clicked on several folders. One-by-one all the thumbs and previews loaded quickly and the metadata was right there as well, allowing for fairly quick and easy searching. And for us "searchability" is the KEY to having a central image library

5. To add mages -- and here's where ity gets a bit klunky -- I intend to add subsequent folders as new images come in to be cataloged. I will then inform the designers that a new folder has been uloaded to the library -- they already have the path -- and that they will need to index that folder to make the images "searchable.

Hopefully this will work on all our designers' machines as well. I'll know more by the end of next week.

BUT, there are a couple of things to consider:

1. Once a folder is indexed it cannot be moved nor can any of the files inside that folder be moved or manipulated in any way. For example, if you returned to a file to add additional metadata, then each user would have to reindex that particular folder on their local copy of Bridge. Having said that, it's not terribly difficult or challenging. In our case, since the image library is permanent once these folders are indexed and "accessed" on each machine that's it. It's the initial indexing that can take so much time.

2. Make sure that permissions are in place before you golive. In our situation just me and my director have read/write permissions. All others have read only. This allows anyone to pull an image out of the library and use it as they see fit once the copy is on their desktop of course. They simply cannot make any changes, additions or alternations in the existing folders and files ON THE LIBRARY DRIVE.

That's it for the moment.

Stay tuned.